One-minute silence

Trude Furuly asked Oslo journalists to remember their dead Afghan colleagues

Everybody stood silent for 1 minute to remember the 10 Afghan journalists who were killed Monday at the World Press Freedom Day function in Oslo 3 May.  

Trude Furuly from the Oslo branch of the Norwegian Union of Journalists welcomed approximately 80 people to OsloMet.  

Photojournalist Asfhin Ismaeli was interviewed by Elisabeth Eide about his experiences in Syria, Iraq and Turkey.  

Elsebeth Frey and her students told about the Rig on press freedom, which has been organized for the tenth time at OsloMet, and also mentioned her experiences from launching the rig in France and in Palestine – soon also in Uganda.  

Rune Ottosen presented the last report from UNESCO on World Trends on Freedom of Expression and Media Development.  

Ann-Magrit Austenå drew the line back to the discussions about the publication of the caricatures in 2005-6.

At the end the film “Courage – Journalism is Not a Crime” by the Danish director Tom Heineman was screened. 

More about UNESCO´s main celebration of the World Press Freedom Day 2018 in Ghana

More about the deadliest day of journalism in Afghanistan from International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

Guro Gulstuen Nordhagen, Faduma Mohameud and Ingrid Godager told about the situation of press freedom in Venezuela, Kenya and Russia.

Afshin Ismaeli was interviewed by Elisabeth Eide (right)

Rune Ottosen presented the last UNESCO report

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