A right to know. How can we ensure reliable information in times of crisis?

The coronavirus pandemic has shown how crucial access to reliable information is both for each person’s rights and for the level of trust in our societies. 

OsloMet, together with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNESCO and International Media Support, celebrate the International Day for Universal Access to Information: We welcome you to a seminar where we discuss why access to information is so important and how why can defend this human right together. 

For discussion: 

o Why is lack of access to reliable information a human rights problem? 

o What are the biggest threats to accessing reliable information today? 

o What can we all  – public and private actors and each one of us – do to ensure access to reliable information? 


• Welcome by OsloMet’s Rector Curt Rice  

• Conversation between moderator and Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide on the importance of access to reliable information. 

• Discussion between moderator and invited professionals – with questions from the audience 


Moderator: Elisabeth Eide, Professor Emerita, former head of JMIC  (Journalism & Media International Center (JMIC), OsloMet   

Irene Khan, the UN’s new Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression.  

Guy Berger, Director: Strategies and policies in the field of communication and information, UNESCO  

Jesper Højberg, Executive Director International Media Support (IMS)  

Abeer Saady, war and conflict journalist, researcher and media consultant for JMIC  

Thomas Hughes, Director Facebook Oversight Board Administration   

REGISTRATION: onasol@oslomet.no The seminar will be streamed. 

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