“Still Inside the Glass Dome”

Women from all over Pakistan, Asia and the world were in the audience – and some men.

Institute for Communication Studies together with JMIC and AMCAP (Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals), hosted a two-day conference on women and media on 28 February and 1 March at Punjab University, Lahore. A considerable number of academics, journalists, and media students presented both journalistic experiences and research papers in plenaries and seminars. Participants came from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Norway, and from a wide range of cities in Pakistan. 

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Conference on Religious Minorities´ Self-Representations

Elisabeth Eide gave a keynote at a conference with the above title at the University of Utrecht, Holland. She presented elements of the history of media coverage of Muslim women in Norway, and a very recent study on the media coverage of “The Shameless Girls” – a new network of young women challenging honour and shame cultures.

Renewed support for journalist education

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given JMIC a grant that will enable us to continue the activities with partners in the Global South planned for the next two years.

JMIC´s aim is to build institutions for democracy and freedom of expression: ”Support of good practices in journalist education, independent media in vulnerable countries, protection of journalists working in conflict zones and journalists’ access to information. ”

In the coming year, several activities are planned. A workshop on extremism and social media is planned this autumn in Tunisia – as well as a regional security course next year. A regional security course is also planned in Uganda.

In cooperation with the Article 19 offices in North Africa, Eastern Africa and South Asia regional workshops on access to information are planned in Tunisia, Kenya and Nepal. We will also strengthen the cooperation with UNESCO.

The Rig on press freedom will be introduced in Palestine, a conference on gender and media is scheduled in South Asia, and cooperation will continue in Iran and Afghanistan. Besides, a regional cooperation project on visual journalism in China will continue. Development of teaching material is an ongoing activity, and a web portal will be prioritized.

Please remember to subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about upcoming events and activites of the center.

Women, Media and Communication Revolution Challenges Conference

JMIC´s partner institution An-Najah National University hosted a conference on gender and journalism in Nablus in Palestine on February 14.

Kristin Skare Orgeret gave the keynote speech and presented a paper on women journalists in conflict and war at the conference.

In addition to a number of local journalists and women’s rights activists journalist Francesca Borri attended the conference and shared some of her experiences as a war reporter.

Teacher of photojournalism Bernt Eide also attended the conference. He currently teaches in Nablus and has been engaged in cooperation with An-Najah University for many years.

Kristin Skare Orgeret also attended the launch of a new Palestinian policy paper on media reform in Ramallah.

Debating Free Expression

Professor Elisabeth Eide

Read about the event covered by The Jakarta Post.

Under the headline Ten Years Debating Freedom of Expression – Looking Back, Looking Forward appr. 40 participants – both journalists and media academics – from twelve countries gathered in Jakarta 23 – 25 January.

The debates started after the controversies in the aftermath of the Muhammed caricatures published in Jyllands-Posten. One of the initiatives was to invite journalists from a wide range of countries for dialogue conferences in Indonesia and Norway respectively. Now, more than ten years after the first Global Intermedia Dialogue (GIMD) conference was held in Indonesia, the ambition was to highlight experiences and look ahead.

The discussions focused on themes such as Hate Speech – Social media, Media and Marginalization – Gender, Religious, Ethnic and Sexual Minorities, Dialogue vs Confrontation, 20 Years after Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations”, Terrorism – Extremism, The Post-Truth Era?– and last, but not least: How free is fiction? Literature and limits.

The conference was a cooperation between the Department of Communication, Universitas Indonesia and JMIC.

A publication with journalistic and academic contributions from this and a conference in March last year is planned.


JMIC to evaluate IAWRT

A team with partners from Uganda and Norway will do the job, starting from a meeting with IAWRT representatives Friday 7 January.

The team is led by JMICs director Elisabeth Eide, and includes research associate Hanna Marie Knudsen (MA, Journalism Studies, HiOA), Prof. Goretti Linda Nassanga and research associate Brian Semujju, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.

The evaluation work includes desk studies, interviews and polls, as well as field trips to selected chapters of the IAWRT.

Read more about IAWRT

Nordic Feminism – Past and Future

Saturday 27 August Elisabeth Eide held a keynote at a Nordic «Future of feminisms» conference in Copenhagen. She presented the experiences from a conference newspaper which appeared daily at the very first Nordic women’s conference in 1988 – and tried to see commonalities and changes in gender politics and journalism.

The presentation is available here.