First webinar on corona safety: The enemy is everywhere

screenshot of zoom meeting
Almost 40 participants from Ethiopia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda, on the 19 May took part in the first JMIC webinar on ‘Safety and ethics for journalists during the corona pandemic’. 

On the zoom chat following a short introduction, JMIC trainer Abeer Saady answered both questions prepared in advance and spontaneous ones. She has previously done similar trainings for many journalist organizations and institutions.

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First virtual workshop on extremism in Pakistan

screenshot of Dr. James A. Tebbe
 Rector Dr. James A. Tebbe at FCCU
screenshot of a powerpoint.
Prof. Elisabeth Eide at JMIC/OsloMet 
screenshot of Prof. Altaf Khan
 Prof. Altaf Khan at FCCU in Lahore

Forman Christian College University (FCCU) in Lahore hosted the first International Virtual Workshop on Polarised Societies and Many Faces of Extremism 21 April, in cooperation with JMIC

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Indonesian Interfaith – Intermedia dialogue

Panel on press freedom and media responsibility. From left: Agus Sudibyo, The Indonesian Press Council; Jati Savitri,; Gunnar Kagge, Aftenposten; Elisabeth Eide, JMIC; Shoaib Sultan, Norwegian Centre Against Racism. Rudi Sukandar, the Habibie Center, also participated. (Photos courtesy of the Embassy of Indonesia)

Together with The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, the Embassy of Indonesia in Norway organised a two day seminar. Read More

Indigenous learning experiences

Kristin Orgeret and Roy Krøvel opened the seminar

A Seminar on “Experiences of decolonization of higher education” was held at OsloMet last week.

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Photo: Indonesian Embassy

In late June this year, JMIC co-organized an event with the Embassy of Indonesia in Oslo under the title ‘The Role of Civil Societies in Facing Radicalism in Indonesia’, with two invited scholars of Islam in Indonesia, Dr. Marsudi Syuhud and Dr. Abdul Muki. Read More

Second Cairo media conference

Bente Kalsnes, OsloMet, talks about digital storytelling (Photo:  EMDP, Cairo)

Digital storytelling was the main topic at the Cairo Media Conference held at the American University in Cairo on April 3rd and 4th. Read More


Publication by this year’s Ossietzky Award winner Ahmedur ‘Tutul’ Chowdury, ICORN resident writer in Norway, originally from Bangladesh.

Here with its 11th issue: Shuddhashar has grown to include new writers and new topics. We firmly believe that reading, writing and thinking work well together,  and we hope that you find thought-provoking and informative articles in this issue.

We also eagerly wait for your contribution!  Please reach out to us.

Moroccan documentaries

Anne Hege Simonsen, the head of the JMIC board, was part of a jury judging short documentaries in Morocco this week.

The screening took place is Institut Supériur de l´Information et de la Communication (ISIC) in Rabat.

She also held a Master class for ISIC students enrolled in the Migration and Media Masters.


Brazilian visit

Elisabeth Saad, researcher and consultant in digital communications and media, visited OsloMet – and JMIC – this week.

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News and misinformation


JMIC board member Kristin Skare Orgeret held a presentation about ‘The Role of News in the Age of Misinformation’ for Civic School of Political Studies in Thessaloniki in Greece in the beginning of October.  Read More