First safety training of trainers

Universitas Indonesia and JMIC have cooperated on the first safety and security training for journalist trainers in Jakarta 23 and 24 November.

This is JMIC´s first training on this level.  Some of the participants also participated in a larger regular 4-day training in how to work in hostile environment 19 – 22 November.  See the video here:

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Chilling effects

Guy Berger From UNESCO

Guy Berger From UNESCO

The 4th annual conference on the Safety of Journalists was held at Oslo Metropolitan University 5 – 6 November under headline “the chilling effects”.

Guy Berger, Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development in UNESCO in Paris, spoke about “From global norms to national mechanisms for protecting journalists”. Read More

Safety training for women in Tunis

From 14 until 19 October Kristin Skare Orgeret was the chief trainer of a five days “Training of Trainers” course in “Safety and Gender Equality” for journalists in Tunis inTunisia. Read More

Tunisia: Safety for journalists in hostile environment

Tunisian journalist students took part in a three day training in safety (Photo: Hanene Zbiss)

Journalists and students from Institut de Presse et Sciences de l’Information (IPSI) in Tunis attended a training 13 – 15 February on “Safety for journalists in hostile environment”.

The training was animated by Abeer Saady, the main trainer, Marte Høiby, doctoral researcher and trainer in journalist safety and Amine Ben Massoud, doctoral researcher in media and communication sciences, and trainer in investigative journalism and field journalism.

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Terror in Kabul

Baburs hage, Kabul. Photo: Elisabeth Eide

After days of terror in Kabul: Here is a comment from the director of of NAI Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan, JMICs main partner in the country:

It is nightmare that we are witnessing even we are awake, we are witnessing all day long and even during nights. But, we are still alive, more than a hundred were killed and almost two hundreds were injured, but it is not stopping us to move ahead. I was gathering a group of people and all last night knocking hospitals’ doors for donating blood. It is hard but I, my family and my colleagues and thousands of others are going ahead believing that we should pave the ground for future generations to live in peace. We believe we can do it and indeed we are obliged to do it.” Abdul Mujeeb Khalvatgar

ICORN resident writers – are also journalists

Last week, writers from all over Norway gathered in Oslo. They share being persecuted in their own countries, and have found a safe place in one of Norway’s cities of refuge, through ICORN. Some of them are journalists, too, and JMIC had a small workshop with ten writers-journalists discussing experiences, job opportunities and journalism in Norway.

Conference opened on the International Day to end Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

The Conference “Safety of journalists covering conflict & sensitive issues” opened 2. November with participants from 32 countries. Initially, the Secretary of state Tone Skogen from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that journalists were key agents of democracy and freedom and praised the partnership with HiOA. Furthermore, she emphasized the need to combat systemic impunity when it comes to assaults against journalists. She was joined by representatives from UNESCO (Rachel Pollack), Free Expression Foundation (Knut Olav Åmås), the Norwegian Union of Journalists (Eva Stabell) and Benedicte Giæver from NORCAP.

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Conference: Safety of journalists covering conflict & sensitive issues

The conference is organized by the research group MEKK and will have participants from 30 countries from all continents. Several plenaries on a wide range of issues, as well as appr 40 paper presentations will take place. In addition there will be a book launch (“Shared Horizons. Negotiating Journalism, Core Values and Cultural Diversities”) and a film screening (“Velvet Revolution”, on women journalists at risk). More news from the conference will follow.

Below: The conference Committee: Welcome!