New head of media and journalism studies

portrait of Nathalie Hyde-Clarke
portrait of Nathalie Hyde-Clarke

Nathalie Hyde-Clarke is the new leader of Department of journalism and media studies at the Faculty of social sciences at OsloMet.  

She is originally from South Africa, but has lived in Finland the last six years, where she was Head of the Department of Culture and Media at Arcada University of Applied Sciences. She was also a Docent in Media and Communication at the University of Helsinki. 

She started in her new job in Oslo 1 August, and headed her first staff meeting this week on zoom.  




A new anthology has just been published by Nordicom:

Transnational Othering – Global Diversities, Media, Extremism and Free Expression This is an open access book, which can be downloaded here:  

The book is the result of cooperation across many borders during the last three years, with contributions from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Norway, PakistanTunisia, and Turkey. Contributors include both academics and journalists. The anthology is divided into three parts:

  • PART ONE: Extremism and the media: Shifting sands
  • PART TWO: Freedom of expression and new challenges
  • PART THREE: The changing shades of global diversities

Editors: Elisabeth Eide (OsloMet), Kristin Skare Orgeret (OsloMet) and Nil Mutluer, Humboldt University, Berlin.


The department of journalism and media studies supported by JMIC today honoured the Press Freedom day with a keynote on cartoons and free expression, a panel discussion and a film screening. Even if Norway is top ranked in the annual list from Reporters Without Borders, the panel mentioned several issues of concern, such as threats and harassment against journalists, political propositions which limit access to information and journalist autonomy, and surveillance. These factors also open for more journalists exercising a proportion of self censorship, which is a frightening development.

Sidsel Avlund from NRK (Public Broadcasting) presented a survey showing that almost a third of their journalists (29 percent) had experienced harassment, threats etc., and that many of them did not even speak about this to others.

Panel from left to right: Arne Jensen, President of Norwegian Editors Union; Per Elvestuen, Director of Oslo Freedom Forum and cartoonist; Elin Floberghagen, Norwegian Press Association; and Sidsel Avlund, from the Norwegian Public Broadcasting, responsible for journalist safety.

«No Platforming and Free Expression» 6th and 7th of May 2019, OsloMet

No Platforming has been much debated across the world due to instances, where individuals have been barred from participating as university speakers, in public panels, and other fora. Opponents to No platforming highlight the dangers of muting controversial voices and fear it can undermine free expression. This conference attempts to address some of the controversies in open and constructive exchanges, and has invited speakers and panelists from several countries, representing a variety of views and experiences.

See the full program here

The particpants

Andina Dwifatma, writer, Indonesia


Ade Armando, Associate professor and journalist, Indonesia


Quatrina Hosain, activist & journalist, Karachi, Pakistan


Niels Ivar Larsen, journalist at Information, Denmark


Eric Heinze, Professor at the School of Law, Queen Mary University of London


Abeer Saady, reporter & PhD fellow, Egypt and Germany


Lena Anderson, writer and journalist, Sweden

Foto: Fabian af Petersens


Essia Atrous, journalist & writer, Tunisia


Lars Gule, Associate Professor at OsloMet


Nora Mehsen, writer & freelancer


Camara Lundestad Joof, writer & artist


Shazia Majid, author and journalist in VG


Mina Adampour, medical doctor & writer


Anne Birgitta Nilsen, Professor at OsloMet


Ane Stø, leader of Ottar Feminist group


Tine Eide,  Assistant Professor & Journalist, OsloMet


Bente Kalsnes, Associate Professor at OsloMet


Peter Münster, Facebook – Head of Communications for the Nordic region


Hans Rustad, Editor of


Mari Skurdal, Editor-in-Chief Klassekampen

Foto: Siv Dolmen.


Maren Fuchsia Celius-Blix, writer & commentator

Ingeborg Senneset, journalist, author and board member Norwegian PEN


Ervin Kohn, deputy director, The Norwegian Center against Racism


Elisabeth Eide, Professor OsloMet


Ahmedur Rashid Chowdhury, Editor of Shuddashahr Magazine, Bangladesh/Norway 


Atta Ansari, reporter NRK


Afshin Ismaeli, reporter Aftenposten


Anna M. Grøndal Larsen, Associate Professor at OsloMet


Ingerid Salvesen, Assistant Professor, OsloMet & journalist


Anne-Cécilie Sibué-Birkeland, Theatre Director at Black Box


Knut Olav Åmås, Director, Free Expression Foundation


Andreas Delsett, Artistic Director Oslo House of Literature


Pål Refsdal, Documentary Filmmaker


Ingrid Fadnes, Assistant Professor, OsloMet & journalist

Access to Information workshop in Bangladesh

A two day workshop on access to information as a journalistic tool was organized by Article 19 Bangladesh and South Asia and JMIC in Dhaka last week. 

The 22 participants came from all over the country, and work on different media platforms.

Main trainer Julfikar Ali Manik (Photo: Rofiqur Rahman Reku/Article 19)

The Norwegian ambassador Sidsel Bleken opened the workshop. Present were also two former Chief Information Commissioners, diplomats, editors, teachers and journalists. The main trainer was the investigative journalist Julfikar Ali Manik, who is a stringer for The New York Times. 

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Another NORHED Doctor!

Florence Namasinga Selnes with her study on the use of social media

Florence Namasinga Selnes from Uganda defended her Ph D thesis “Sourcing in converged media spheres. A study of how print journalists in Uganda use social media in routine news coverage” at the University of Oslo Friday 31 August.

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Letter to the Minister

Journalists and journalist organisations all over the world have written to the authorities in Bangladesh to protest the detention of Shahidul Alam.

Norwegian Press Photographers’ Association has addressed their letter to the Minister of Home Affairs, Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal, Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka:

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