New Master on the way

Department of Journalism and Media Studies will start the development of a joint international master program in photojournalism. Read More

New board of JMIC

Journalism and Media International Center – JMIC – the short name, now has this board:


Anne Hege Simonsen from the Department of Journalism and Media Studies is the head.  

Ann-Helén Bay is representing the Faculty of Social Sciences.  

Atta Ansari is an investigative journalist from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).

Substitute members of the board are Steen Steensen and Kristin Skare Orgeret from the Department of Journalism and Media Studies and Amund Bakke Foss from the media company Verdens Gang (VG).

One of the first tasks of the  new board has been to develop a platform and guidelines for the center.

More about the university college, which will be a university in 2018

Focus: Investigative journalism


Hamida El Bour is the Director of L’Institut de presse et des sciences de l’information (IPSI) at Université de la Manouba

Journalists from Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia came to Tunis 6-7 December to attend a workshop in investigative journalism.

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Social media discussions in North Africa

Participants after the opening of the international workshop 28th – 29th of November (Souhir Chaabani, CAWTAR journalist)

Journalists and researchers from Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Norway met in Tunisia 28th – 29th of November to discuss “Social Networks and Freedom: Challenges of the Maghreb”.

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Third prize in College Photographer of the Year

He received the price for the story about the 9-year-old Chinese ping-pong-talent Huang´s life as a student at Dondan Academy in Beijing (the film)

The video was a part of his graduation project created during the course in International Reporting, which is a part of the Bachelor’s Programme in photojournalism.

The College Photographer of the Year (COPY) competition is the world’s biggest photojournalistic competition for college students.

The jury had to go through 11 000 images and 140 multimedia projects entered by 494 student photographers from 123 colleges and universities in 22 countries  (read more) 


Albania re-visited

Rune Ottosen to the right, Besnik Baka in the middle and Richard van der Brink to the left – with the new Albania book on the table.

As a former tourist in the country, Ottosen talked about his blindness for oppression. Together with Besnik Baka, an Albanian journalist and translator, he has documented oppression, political assassinations and imprisonment during the regime of Enver Hoxha.

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 Meanwhile in China


Meanwhile  is one of two Norwegian exhibitions on display during the 7th Dali International Photography Exhibition (DIPE).

The HiOA photojournalism alumnis Knut Egil Wang and Eivind Natvig are part of a joint Norwegian exhibition with colleague Helge Skodvin.

HiOA faculty member Jon Petter Evensen participated in this year’s DIPE-forum round table discussion on how to use festivals as a platform to support and develop education in photography, together with the HiOA partners Shahidul Alam from Pathshala South Asian Media Institute in Bangladesh and Liui Bao from Mino Art Center in China.

The Meanwhile exhibition on display in Dali

Head of the DIPE organizing committee Lihui Bao in the exhibition hall in Dali

Terror in the media

Media researchers Rune Ottosen, Walid Al-Saqaf and Stig Arne Nohrstedt at the conference in Kalmar 9 May

The truck attack in Stockholm 7 April was the starting point at the international conference Journalism in a world of terrorism organised by the Media Institute Fojo and The Linnaeus University in Kalmar in Sweden 9 – 11 May.

The Head of news in Swedish Television (SVT), Ulf Johansson, told about the reactions and the editorial dilemmas after the attack. Media researcher Walid Al-Saqaf presented the findings about how Twitter was used extensively through #openstockholm.

Suvojit Bandopadhyaya broadened the perspective with a presentation about terrorists and their tactical use of social media platforms. Daya Thussu held a keynote speech about (Mis)Representing Terrorism in Global Media.

Exiled Can Dündar, former editor of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, could unfortunately only join on skype to tell about what happens in his country. Finally Courtney C. Radsh in the Committee to Protect Journalists gave an overview of Journalism in the Age of Terrorism.

The international conference for media-researchers and journalists continued with workshops and panel discussions for two more days in Kalmar. Read more

Rune Ottosen in the National Commission for UNESCO

JMIC staff member Rune Ottosen has been appointed as a member of the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO in the period 2017-2020 by the Minister of Education and Research Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.

The new Commission has eight members from different academic and civil sectors. The composition of the Commission reflects the four disciplines UNESCO: education, science, culture and communication.

The National Commission’s mandate is to promote UNESCO’s ideas and make UNESCO known in the Norwegian society. Co-operation with other National Commissions and international actors is a priority for the Commission. Read more