Social media discussions in North Africa

Participants after the opening of the international workshop 28th – 29th of November (Souhir Chaabani, CAWTAR journalist)

Journalists and researchers from Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Norway met in Tunisia 28th – 29th of November to discuss “Social Networks and Freedom: Challenges of the Maghreb”.

The international workshop was a cooperation between Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR) and JMIC. CAWTAR´s Atidel Mejbri opened the workshop, together with Elisabeth Eide from JMIC and Karoline Kjeldsen from the Norwegian Embassy in Algeria.

The participants presented in six panels, covering themes like “When the borders of extremism are blurred” and “Social media and activism”. Other topics covered were extremism, jihadism on the rise and falsification, fake news and propaganda.


Professor Sadok Hammami, IPSI, Manouba University and Assistant Professor Bente Kalsnes frm JMIC/HiOA spoke on fake news under the title “Social networks, extremism and freedoms.”





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