Editors ask for Shahidul Alam´s release

Shahidul Alam outside the hospital yesterday (Photo: Drik)

Association of Norwegian Editors has written to the Inspector General of Police, Mohammad Javed Patwary, at the Police Headquarters in Dhaka in Bangladesh: 

”On behalf of the Association of Norwegian Editors I call for You to:

·      Immediately and unconditionally release Shahidul Alam, who is a prisoner of conscience, and drop all charges as he has been detained solely for peacefully exercising his human right to freedom of expression;

·      Ensure that activists, human rights defenders, journalists, academics and members of the political opposition and other members of the public are able to peacefully exercise their rights to freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association.”

writes Secretary General Arne Jensen. The association has also sent a letter to the Ministry of Interior in Bangladesh. 


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