Fotojournalistika for Azerbaijani students

They are produced as a part of the the Council of Europe/European Union Joint project on “Freedom of expression and media freedom in Azerbaijan”, which is part of the Partnership for Good Governance for Eastern Partnership countries.

Together with the Azerbaijani colleagues Ibrahimpasha Babayev, Aynur Bashirov and Aliakhbar Muradov, Jon Petter Evensen from the Photojournalism program at HiOA has written the Photojournalism textbook Fotojournalistika.

The HiOA alumni Andrea Gjestvang, Simen Grytøyr, Espen Rasmussen, Kyrre Lien and Daniel Sannum Lauten have all contributed with pictures and projects to the book.

The book is one of four books developed to cover the current gap in the curriculum at universities in Azerbaijan concerning the topics of TV Journalism, Radio Journalism, Journalism of New Media and Photojournalism.

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