Images from China in Oslo

From the opening in Oslo (Photo: Ellen Lande Gossner)

Ten of the projects from the photo exhibition “Golden Pig” is exhibited in Oslo for the first time.

This is a graduation exam for the students at the Photojournalism section at the Department of Journalism and Media studies at OsloMet which is displayed in in Barcode. 

Together with students from Nepal, China and Bangladesh, the Norwegian students have made photo projects in China. 

The students write: “China was once regarded as the world’s factory. Today, the Chinese are so much more. We want you to witness stories of a changing country challenging their position in the world. As a population, political, trading partner or tourist destination. 

2019 is the golden pig’s year, which only occurs every 60 years. The year gives high hopes to the people, since the golden pig will bring good luck. “Golden Pig” is a look at China in a period full of expectations, told through personal stories. From the country’s new love for pets, to the lonely men in the village. ” 

The exhibition is on until September 20. The project book is sold in the shop and on 

The profits from the book sale go to Reporters Without Borders.

The students work has also been exhibited during the 8th International Photography Exhibition 17 – 21 August in Dali in Yunnan in China (Photos: Sagar Chettri)







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