OsloMet demands the release of Shahidul Alam

Shahidul Alam (third from the right) together with colleagues from Bangladesh during the DOK festival in Fredrikstad in 2015 (Photo: Jon Petter Evensen)

One of OsloMet’s international partners, Shahidul Alam, has been imprisoned. The university has now sent a letter to Bangladeshi authorities to demand his release. Read More

Letter to the Minister

Journalists and journalist organisations all over the world have written to the authorities in Bangladesh to protest the detention of Shahidul Alam.

Norwegian Press Photographers’ Association has addressed their letter to the Minister of Home Affairs, Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal, Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka:

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Editors ask for Shahidul Alam´s release

Shahidul Alam outside the hospital yesterday (Photo: Drik)

Association of Norwegian Editors has written to the Inspector General of Police, Mohammad Javed Patwary, at the Police Headquarters in Dhaka in Bangladesh: 

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JMIC partner detained in Bangladesh

Dr. Shahidul Alam, internationally renowned photographer, activist and founder of Drik and Pathshala South Asian Media Institute, was forcibly abducted from his house in Dhanmondi, Dhaka, after 10 pm on Sunday 5 August. Read More

Makerere University holds the rig on press freedom

By Agnes Tumuheire

The Department of Journalism and Communication, Makerere University has hosted a one week session of the Rig Press Freedom project.

The reporting on press freedom focused on five African countries namely; Rwanda, Zambia, South Sudan, Tanzania and Kenya.

Thirty eight final year journalism students participated in the project. They were divided into five groups, with each group focusing on one country. The five groups of students were supported by five local teachers and two Norwegian teachers. The main task of the participating students was to write news stories on the media environment and conditions for press freedom in the assigned countries.

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Support to #Metoo-project

The project “Journalistic professionalism in the coverage of #Metoo” receives NOK 350 000 from the Norwegian Council of Applied Media Research.

The project, lead by Professor Kristin Skare Orgeret, will study professional dilemmas in the journalistic coverage of #metoo, with a particular emphasis on the use of sources, the media focus on individuals and the editorial processes.

The project analyses the media coverage by seven Norwegian media institutions from 16th October 3017 to 16 April 2018, and will look into the ethical discussions that took place within the media houses in relation to the #metoo coverage.

Successful photo exhibition in Fredrikstad

Students from OsloMet presented highlights from their reportage project in China. A total of four institutions and 23 young photojournalists and students from China, Nepal, Bangladesh and Norway contributed to the exhibition.

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Cairo Media Conference

Future media and changing media paradigms in the digital age were the central topics at the Cairo Media Conference organized on 8 and 9 May, with participants from Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon and – Norway. Characteristic of the conference was also the blend of editors, journalists and media academics, which opted for fruitful exchanges. Tarek Atia, founder of the Egypt Media Development Program(EMDP) was the main host for the conference, which was a co-operation between EMDP and Egyptian Editors forum (EEF), the American University in Cairo (AUC) and JMIC/OsloMet.

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One-minute silence

Trude Furuly asked Oslo journalists to remember their dead Afghan colleagues

Everybody stood silent for 1 minute to remember the 10 Afghan journalists who were killed Monday at the World Press Freedom Day function in Oslo 3 May.   Read More