
Publication by this year’s Ossietzky Award winner Ahmedur ‘Tutul’ Chowdury, ICORN resident writer in Norway, originally from Bangladesh.

Here with its 11th issue: Shuddhashar has grown to include new writers and new topics. We firmly believe that reading, writing and thinking work well together,  and we hope that you find thought-provoking and informative articles in this issue.

We also eagerly wait for your contribution!  Please reach out to us.

First safety training of trainers

Universitas Indonesia and JMIC have cooperated on the first safety and security training for journalist trainers in Jakarta 23 and 24 November.

This is JMIC´s first training on this level.  Some of the participants also participated in a larger regular 4-day training in how to work in hostile environment 19 – 22 November.  See the video here:

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Free after 107 days

Bangladeshi photographer Shahidul Alam was released from jail after more than 100 days behind bars this week. 

He has been under medical observation and is still going through check-ups, according to his colleagues in Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute in Dhaka. 

You can read his letter and see more photographs here Read More

Transnational climate journalism

In co-operation with the NGO Datamation Foundation and the MediaClimate network, JMIC/OsloMet held a three day workshop in Delhi planning for transnational co-operation in education and research on climate journalism. Participants from Australia, Bangladesh, Finland, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Sri Lanka, Turkey, UK and Uganda were present, several more via skype, al recognizing that climate change is one of the world’s major challenges.

The future aim is to create a digital resource bank sharing research articles/initiatives, educational resources and important journalistic work within the field of climate change.

Moroccan documentaries

Anne Hege Simonsen, the head of the JMIC board, was part of a jury judging short documentaries in Morocco this week.

The screening took place is Institut Supériur de l´Information et de la Communication (ISIC) in Rabat.

She also held a Master class for ISIC students enrolled in the Migration and Media Masters.


Chilling effects

Guy Berger From UNESCO

Guy Berger From UNESCO

The 4th annual conference on the Safety of Journalists was held at Oslo Metropolitan University 5 – 6 November under headline “the chilling effects”.

Guy Berger, Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development in UNESCO in Paris, spoke about “From global norms to national mechanisms for protecting journalists”. Read More

Brazilian visit

Elisabeth Saad, researcher and consultant in digital communications and media, visited OsloMet – and JMIC – this week.

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Safety training for women in Tunis

From 14 until 19 October Kristin Skare Orgeret was the chief trainer of a five days “Training of Trainers” course in “Safety and Gender Equality” for journalists in Tunis inTunisia. Read More

Climate Change Journalism in Bangladesh

Mofizur Rhaman, a member of the MediaClimate network, and co-editor of the anthology “Negotiating Journalism: Core Values and Cultural Diversitiet”, defended his doctoral thesis “Climate Change Journalism in Bangladesh: Professional Norms and Attention in Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change” at the University of Bergen 26.10, as a part of the cross-disciplinary Climate Crossroads project.
Congratulations to Dr. Mofizur Rhaman!