Successful photo exhibition in Fredrikstad

Students from OsloMet presented highlights from their reportage project in China. A total of four institutions and 23 young photojournalists and students from China, Nepal, Bangladesh and Norway contributed to the exhibition.

The final semester in the BA photojournalism program at OsloMet is international reporting. In recent years, the students have created their own reportage projects in China, and collaborated on a book, website and exhibition. This year’s collective project is titled “New Era”.

The exhibition was set up on the occasion of the DOK 18 festival in Fredrikstad, and was open to the public from 11 to 27 May. For the official opening, photographers from China, Nepal and Bangladesh were present.

The exhibition will be shown this summer at the premises of in Barcode, Oslo city center. Here you will also be able to buy the students’ photo book. This autumn, the exhibition will be set up at OsloMet at the start of the new academic year, and will then continue to the Trondheim Dokumentarfestival in November.

See the website with all the reports

The photo era New Era is also available for 200 NOK plus shipping, and can be ordered via the website.

The project has been made possible through support from, among others, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Fritt Ord.

(Text: John Trygve Tollefsen)

Picture: Siri Overland Eriksen from Norway (left), Yufan Lu from China, Bunu Dhugana from Nepal and Walid Saddam from Bangladesh (Photo Marthe Haarstad)


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