Online workshop on press freedom at OsloMet

map of the world from Reporters without borders

Journalism students used digital tools to collaborate during the annual Rig on press freedom.

The Rig on press freedom is held at OsloMet every spring. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s project had to be arranged digitally, as the university was closed and the students were spread all over Norway.

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UNESCO world press freedom day logo

3 May is the World Press Freedom Day. This year’s global theme, ‘Journalism without Fear or Favor’, provides an occasion to reflect on the importance of free and independent media, in particular in times of crisis, according to UNESCO. 

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Teaching “access to information” in Nairobi

Henry Maina in Article 19 during the workshop on access to information as a journalistic tool in  Nairobi

Norwegian investigative journalist Tarjei Leer-Salvesen at the workshop on access to information as a journalistic tool in NairobiTogether with Article 19 Eastern Africa, JMIC has organized a workshop on access to information as a journalistic tool in Nairobi for 30 investigative journalists from the region.

The workshop is a follow-up of a similar workshop last year, by the Norwegian investigative journalist Tarjei Leer-Salvesen. This time also his colleague Maren Sæbø has joined.

Similar workshops are planned in North Africa and South Asia later this year together with the local Article 19 offices – with funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Access to information is part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (16.10). It is also one of the main pillars of the Norwegian strategy for freedom of expression and independent media in foreign and development policy.

JMIC received a two-year grant from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs this summer to “help strengthen the democratic public through collaboration with good institutions in the global South which educate journalists.” The grant provides opportunities to continue the longstanding cooperation with partners in the south worldwide.


Students learn about press freedom

The Rig is a multimedia workshop where the students produce online stories about the current state of press freedom in different countries around the world. This year they examined Ethiopia, Egypt, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Colombia, USA and Poland.

The aim of the Rig is to enable our students to grasp the meaning and significance of press freedom, while at the same time acquiring journalistic skills. Read more in Norwegian about the Rig and why we use this pedagogical tool at Department of Journalism and Media Studies at HiOA here.

The frontpage for this year’s Rig you will find here.

Some of earlier years’ Rig are available here.