UNESCO report launched in Africa

Lydia Gachungi at the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa presented the World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development Global Report in Uganda 14 March.

Around 70 guests from media, civil society, embassies and the university were present at the launch hosted by the Department of Journalism and Communication at Makerere University in Kampala.

Meddie Mulumba from the Uganda Human Rights Commission launched the report officially, after discussions, speeches and welcome remarks by the Dean Aaron Mushengyezi.

Among the guests were the Norwegian Ambassador Susan Eckey and Rune Ottosen from the Norwegian National Commission of UNESCO and OsloMet.

Rune Ottosen from OsloMet with some of the local organizers – and the report (Other photos by Fred Kakooza)

More information 

From the launch in Asia 27 February


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