UNESCO reports presented in Asia, Africa and the Arab region

The participants at a conference on teaching gender in journalism and media studies in Indonesia in October, where also UNESCO´s work on gender was presented. (Photo: Satri Nugroho, Universitas Indonesia)

Journalism & Media International Center (JMIC) at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway has cooperated with UNESCO about the presentation of four reports in seven cities around the world this autumn.

Around a thousand persons have been present at events in Nairobi, Tunis, Kampala, Nablus, Lahore, Jakarta and Oslo – learning about access to information, gender and impunity.

UNESCO’s new “In.Focus” report Access to Information: A New Promise for Sustainable Development has been launched around the International Day of Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) 28 September. This has taken place at the universities Makerere in Uganda, An-Najah in Palestine and Punjab in Pakistan – repeating launches of UNESCO’s World Trend Reports at the same universities last year.

In addition, the report has been presented in Nairobi in Kenya in two events towards the end of September organized by Article 19 Eastern Africa and in Tunis at a seminar arranged by Article 19 MENA and other stakeholders – in cooperation with the local UNESCO offices.

UNESCO’s two reports on gender: Setting the Gender Agenda for Communication Policy and Gender, Media and ICTs: New Approaches for Research, Education, and Training were presented during a conference on teaching gender in journalism and media studies in Depok near Jakarta in Indonesia 30 October.

Advisor for Communication and Information in the UNESCO office in Jakarta, Ming-Kuok LIM, told students, teachers and media people in Universitas Indonesia about the reports and the work UNESCO is doing in this field.

Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development at UNESCO in Paris, Guy Berger, presented the new report on impunity: Intensified Attacks, New Defences Developments in the Fight to Protect Journalists and End Impunity in Oslo 8 November.

The report was launched during a conference on digital safety organized by the research group Media, War and Conflict (MEKK) at OsloMet. JMIC sponsored the travel for 12 participants from the global south to the conference.

Director of Journalism & Media International Center (JMIC), Elisabeth Eide, says:  We hope as a result of our work to facilitate exchanges of curricula, educational programs and journalistic experiences, all inspiring us to develop our work within media education and with (social and traditional) media output.

 UNESCO has presented important global reports and resources that we can all share. We think they will contribute to our future work. We are proud to work in partnership with UNESCO, and to contribute to the presentation of their reports around the world. 

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