Research workshop in Lapland

On September 1-2. 2016, Nuorgáv’s final research workshop was held in Rovaniemi (Lapland Province, Finland).

Special subjects for discussion was the planned book An urban future for Sápmi, and the project’s closing conference which is to be held in Trondheim during the fall of 2017 and be open for the public.

The Arktikum Centre at Rovaniemi's University of Lapland served as the venue for NUORGÁV's Fall 2017 workshop. Image: Wikimedia Commons, by Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso

The Arktikum Centre at Rovaniemi’s University of Lapland served as the venue for NUORGÁV’s Fall 2017 workshop. Image: Wikimedia Commons, by Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso

News about the book, the conference, and the seven academic articles to be published as part of the project, will be posted on this website.

The workshop in the city known as Roavvenjárga in North Sámi was also attended by members of the Nuorgáv reference group of Sámi and municipal representatives, as was the previous workshop in Tromsø.

The 2016 workshop was hosted and organized by the University of Lapland. Previous research workshops have been held in Oslo (Sámi: Oslove) and Tromsø (Romsa) in Norway, at the NIBR institute and the youth culture house TVIBIT, respectively.


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