Team members

The project is a cooperation between NIBR (Oslo, Norway), Nord University (Bodø, Norway) and the Arctic Centre (Rovaniemi, Finland). The following researchers constitute the project team.


NIBR Urban and Regional Research Institute, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

Mikkel Berg-Nordlie.  Key subjects: Urban indigenous governance, urban indigenous spaces, youth organizing, education and kindergardens.  Case areas: Oslo, Trondheim, Alta (Norway).

Jørn Holm-Hansen. Project leader.


Nord University

Astri Dankertsen. Key subjects: Urban indigenous identity, youth organizing.  Case areas: Bodø, Tromsø (Norway).


Arctic Centre, University of Lapland

Tanja Joona. Key subjects: Youth organizing, youth interest representation.  Case areas: Helsinki, Oulu, Rovaniemi (Finland).


Researchers with other institutional attachments

Anna Afanasyeva (Centre for Sámi Studies, UiT – Arctic University of Norway). Key subjects: Education and kindergardens.  Case areas: Murmansk province (Russia).

Marit Solstad (Nordland Research Institute). Key subjects: Education and kindergardens.

Marte Winsvold (Institute for Social Research). Key subjects: Youth organizing.  Case areas: Oslo (Norway).

Christina Åhrén (private researcher). Key subjects: Youth organizing.  Case areas: Umeå, Stockholm (Sweden).